It's Saturday and I did an unheard thing today;
...I slept in after 8:30.
People who know me, know it's not normal for me to sleep much beyond that time.
Anyway; school work, coursework, cell group etc.
Cell group?
Yeah, I've started a young sisters cell group. So far we've got Ilesha, Alysha, Lisa and Naomi.
Anyway, went to JA youth last night; it was actually interesting for once. Theme was 'horizontal, vertical'...the main hall was split into 10 zones in the shape of a cross. I had lan and 2 other people in my group, plus some random guy led our group; I think his name was Rob.
In zone 10, which was about obidience, we had to set ourselves disciplines, mine was to be nice to Americans, which is going to be diffiult. Here's my track record with americans:
First American I met-never spoke to me.
Second American I met-Argues with me all the time
Third American-Is convinced I'm a witch and I'll put a spell on her
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth American-Argues with me all the time.
So that's my track record; not too good. Strange thing is, Americans are the only people that I argue with all the time. What's up with that? I dunno.
There was a different zone about 'the secret place' where you go to met with God. We hid under boxes with headphones on. T'was fun, and I got a bit of reassurance from it as well. I had been feeling that I was losing the sprak with God and I was a little desperate (It spread from Bobbie and Ilee, I swear it did), anyway, I swear I heard him, Well, I heard something; a voice and it said;...'"I love you and will never leave you"'...so all happy now. :)
Was looking at random pictures on the internet and I came across a picture, and I found it so amazing. I'm just in love with mountains at the moment. Their so big and we're so small, then theres things even smaller than us, it's amazing the range of sizes God's made. I put it on just so you can see what I'm on about.
well I guess this is one way of finding out what God is doing in u
just wanna say I think that He has done great things in you over the last few months and I am well proud of the brave steps you have made
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